Focusing with Journaling

Focusing with Journaling

Setting time aside to reflect on your goals, tasks, and emotions while filtering out distractions. It involves writing with intention, allowing you to brainstorm and prioritize daily activities.

authorLeather Bound Notebook/Journal designed by BOSS Paper Company.

Judge A Book By Its Cover

The cover of a book often plays a key role in a reader's decision to pick up a book or walk past it. This brings us to an important question: Are book covers a big deal? YES! Hi, I'm Stacey, the ow...

authorHip Hop 90 Day Planner to jumpstart your goals. Designed by BOSS Paper Company

Resources for Self-Publishing | Indie Authors

Self-publishing can be a challenging task, but it is equally rewarding if done correctly.  I have discussed some publishers that are available for you to consider for your book.